5 Ways To Live a Longer, Healthier Life

By The Team @ Healthy Being   |   27 September 2019 

We all try to live a healthier life, but these quick tips have been scientifically linked to actually living longer. Focusing purely on lifestyle, consumption and environment seems to be significantly important in longevity.

7 Hours of Sleep

We all wish we could get a couple of extra hours of sleep each night, but we might not realise how crucial it is. In one published article, it has been shown that human longevity is “associated with regular sleeping patterns”. Going to sleep and waking up around the same time is likely linked to longevity. Similar sleeping patterns can increasingly regulate cell function and help the body heal each night.

According to research articles, having too much or too little sleep can have a massive factor on the length of your life. Sleeping less than 5-7 hours links to 12% greater risk of an early death and sleeping more than 8-9 hours can decrease your lifespan by an incredible 38%. Having a routine of 7-8 hours of sleep each night is linked to longevity.

Eat Nuts

A study from Harvard discovered that daily nut eaters lived longer healthier lives than that of people who didn’t eat nuts. Presented in the report, this group of nut-eaters were less likely to “die of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease”. Walnuts, in particular, have an incredible impact on heart health and have the highest antioxidant levels compared to any other nut. Not to mention that they also boost your brain health. At Healthy Being, we stock a huge range of organic nuts for you to choose from.

Plant Foods

Eat your greens! Eating a wide range of organic, plant foods including things like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and beans, may assist in lowering the risk of disease and promote a longer, fuller life. A plant-rich diet decreases the risk of many illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and brain deterioration. Many of them are rich in antioxidants and are full of nutrients and vitamins.

Many studies demonstrate that diets that are higher in plant foods, for instance, vegetarian and vegan diets, have a 12-15% lower risk of early death. The same study also links to a 29-52% lower risk of dying from cancer or heart and kidney diseases. Eating plenty of plant-based foods has incredible benefits for health, well-being and longevity.

Stay Active

This one seems a little too obvious but staying active can definitely keep you healthy and actually add years to your life! A light jog for 15 minutes may be crucial for an extra 3 years of life! In fact, people who run have a 25-40% reduced risk of early death. Those are some figures that you simply can’t ignore!

Daily physical activity can help you achieve health benefits and may decrease the risk of early death by 4% for each additional 15 minutes of daily physical activity. Running or physical activity regulates blood pressure, increases lung capacity, reduces stress and also increases bone density. Not to mention, it is also a great way to upkeep your mental health.

Make Happiness Your Priority

It may sound cheesy but, don’t worry be happy! Feeling and staying happy can increase your lifespan by a crazy amount! According to a recent report, happier individuals had a 3.7% reduction in early death over a 5 year study.  

A study of Catholic nuns showed that those who felt emotionally content at 22 years of age were 2.5 times more likely to still be alive 6 decades later!

Another review showed that there was a correlation between positive psychological well-being and physical health. Happy people may live up to an 18% longer life. Not only does happiness have positive effects on your mental health, but also your lifespan!

All up, a longevity span may seem out of your control, however, these tips may just lead you on a path that will boost your health, maintain your wellbeing and most importantly, a longer life!

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