“I’m always in a rush, I don’t have time to think about healthy snack ideas”, or, “I’m too busy to prepare healthy snacks, it’s easier to grab a coffee and banana bread when I’m out. That’s still healthy, right?” Do either of these excuses sound familiar to you? We get it – we live increasingly demanding, busy lives and it’s often the case our health and eating choices are what fall by the wayside. The good news is you actually don’t have to compromise your health in order to keep on top of everything else going on in your life.
With a little preparation and organisation, you can easily stay healthy while still keeping up with your action-packed lifestyle. In this article, we’ll be discussing why healthy snacks are important (especially for those who are always on-the-go), as well as offering some simple healthy snack ideas to help you keep your health in check.
Why is Eating Healthy Snacks Important?
Snacking on nutritious and healthy foods throughout the day is vital if you want to keep your body and brain properly fuelled and functioning, especially if you’re busy. Eating healthy snacks helps prevent your body from experiencing a mid-day energy slump, or a loss of concertation for that important 3pm meeting you need to be on your game for. While that delicious coffee and banana bread might give you a quick-acting energy boost, it will most likely leave you feeling pretty sluggish an hour or so later.
However, when you choose to snack on healthy foods like fruits, veggies, proteins and wholesome grains, you’ll not only feel energised, but you’ll also have a more stable blood sugar level. This means you’ll be saying goodbye to those post-sugar-induced energy slumps and hello to feeling energised and properly-fuelled for hours after you’ve eaten.
The Benefits of Healthy Snacks
Keeping healthy snacks with you wherever you go is one of the best ways to not only stay fuelled but to also help boost your metabolism and the amount of nutrients you’re getting throughout the day. Healthy snacks aid in managing your appetite, while also keeping your meal portion sizes under control. It’s important, however, you choose wholefoods over processed foods, and don’t just mindlessly snack because you’re bored or it’s what you’re used to doing throughout the day.
Furthermore, having healthy snacks on hand can greatly help those who are trying to lose or maintain their weight. When you’re consistently feeding your body junk or processed foods, it’s easy for the weight to pile on in small increments, you might not even notice until one morning when your favourite jeans no longer fit. Healthy snacks fuel your body with good fats, nutrients, fibre and minerals, while also keeping your weight in check.
Healthy Snacks Ideas for When You’re On-The-Go
Preparing snacks before you leave the house in the morning is crucial if you want to stop yourself from heading to the office vending machine or nearest café every time you’re craving an energy hit. The thing is, healthy snacks don’t need to take you hours to prepare. Usually, you can prepare them in bulk for the week ahead, or choose something simple to grab and take with you. Let’s take a look at some easy, healthy snack ideas you can bring from home:
- Fruit (apple, banana, pear, mandarin – anything that’s easy to grab and go)
- Cut up veggie sticks (carrot, cucumber, celery etc.)
- Dried fruit (snack-sized)
- Nuts or seeds (palm-sized serving)
- Natural protein balls or bars
- Homemade mini vegetable muffins (make a batch, keep a few out and freeze the rest)
- Healthy Chips (Such as kale, coconut, broccoli & sweet potato chips)
- Natural paleo bars
- Packets of nori (seaweed)
See? It’s easy to snack on healthy foods when you’re prepared and know what to look for in a snack. We hope this advice has been useful and has provided you with some delicious healthy snack ideas!
...and remember, qualified nutritionists at Healthy Being are available to offer further general advice to help guide you in selecting the right products. So please, feel free to contact us at any time!
Dr Peter Succar heads up the Product Research Team at Healthy Being and is an enthusiastic Health & Fitness Lifestyle Coach. He's passionate about helping others obtain optimum health, advocating realistic and achievable changes in diets and lifestyles that promote the body’s natural immunity, its ability to self-heal and achieve overall mental and physical well-being.