Organic Spirulina
When compared to other common superfoods, spirulina is one of nature’s richest and most complete sources of nutrition. Spirulina’s benefits are innumerable – this powerhouse superfood contains more than 100 synergistic nutrients, which are absorbed 16 x more effectively than inferior synthetic multivitamins. It’s no wonder why spirulina is one of the most popular superfoods worldwide. The amazing benefits of spirulina powder and other greens powder include increased energy, reduced cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, reduced inflammation, higher iron levels, healthier muscles, and may even help prevent cancer!
Pure spirulina powder and spirulina tablets are packed with protein, B vitamins, and iron, as well as a wide range of other essential nutrients and antioxidants for optimum health. Taking your daily dose of spirulina powder or greens powder is easy: simply mix it into your favourite smoothie or juice, add it to raw desserts or drink it as a ‘shot’ with water. You can also take spirulina in tablet form. Shop Healthy Being’s range of superfoods today, including spirulina powder, greens powder and tablets.